Iodometric determination of quinine sulfate in tablets using N-oxidation with diperoxysebacic acid

Ivan Iurchenko 1, *, Mykola Blazheyevskiy 2, Oksana Koretnik 3 and Oksana Shlusar 4

1 College of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba; 750 McDermot Avenue West, Winnipeg, MB R3E 0T5, Canada.
2 Department of General Chemistry, National University of Pharmacy; 53 Pushkins'ka St, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
3 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, National University of Pharmacy; 53 Pushkins'ka St, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.
4 Department of Pharmacy, Bukovinian State Medical University; 2 Teatral'na Square, Chernivtsi, 58002, Ukraine.
Research Article
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2023, 03(02), 001–012.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrcp.2023.3.2.0030
Publication history: 
Received on 12 August 2023; revised on 26 September 2023; accepted on 28 September 2023
Using diperoxysebacic acid as an example, it was shown the interaction of diperoxycarboxylic acids with quinine alkaloid in an aqueous medium by kinetics method. The reaction proceeds quantitatively by the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution of β-peroxide oxygen atom in diperoxycarboxylic acid with the formation of the corresponding N-oxide, and the kinetics of the process is a subject to general rules of specific acid-base catalysis. New iodometric methods were developed, and the possibility of quinine sulfate quantification in pure form ‘Quinine sulfate’, as well as in the combined dosage form ‘Limpar® N 200 mg’ (Cassella Med GmbH, Germany) and in ‘Quinine sulfate 200 mg Tablets’ (Accord Healthcare Ltd, UK) by the reaction of oxidation with diperoxycarboxylic acid. They are characterized by high selectivity, and rate, simplicity of performing, and good accuracy. No toxic reagents or special conditions required. RSD ≤1.6% (δ =+0.40..+0.72%), LOQ=0.01 mg.
Diperoxysebacic acid; Iodometric titrimetry; Quinine; Quinine-N-oxide
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