About the Journal

International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) is a Peer Reviewed, Open Access, International Journal. It is a Referred, Crossref Indexed, Online Journal. International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) is published as an Quarterly Journal with 04 issues per year. International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) offers fast publication of quality Research and Review articles. International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) publishes manuscripts (Original research, review articles, Short communication and letter to editor) on original work, either experimental or theoretical) from all disciplines including Chemical Sciences, Pharmacy, and Allied Sciences etc.

Aim and Scope

International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) aims to establish itself as a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends in Chemical Sciences, Pharmacy, and Allied Sciences etc that needs more focus and exposure and is always committed to publish articles that will strengthen the knowledge of upcoming Academicians, new Researchers, Authors, Technocrats and Scholars. Since inception, International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) is continuously publishing original and best quality research articles.

Subject areas covered

International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) seeks Research articles, Review articles, Case reports and original contributions from all areas of:

Chemstry:  Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Photochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Agricultural & Soil Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry and Phytochemistry as well as all aspects of Chemical Engineering etc.

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Computational Chemistry & Molecular Modeling/Drug Design including Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacoinformatics, Pharmacovigilance, Chemoinformatics and Pharmacogenomics etc.

The Journal invites original Research Papers, Review articles, Technical or Case reports and Short communications that are not published or not being considered for publication.

Benefits of publishing in IJSRCP

  • International, Peer-Reviewed and Referred Open Access Journal

  • Rapid, easy and Quality Publication 

  • Simple mode of submission via e-mail/online

  • Certificate of publication to each author

  • Online tracking of articles submitted

  • Open Access to all Articles: Anytime & Anywhere in the world

  • Improved visibility of articles to get more citations

Journal policies

Open access policy: International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access. To know more about Open access Click here

Peer-review policy: The manuscript submitted to International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) will be reviewed by two suitable experts in respective subject area. The reports of both the reviewers will be considered when deciding on acceptance/revision or rejection of a manuscript. Editor-In-Chief will make the final decision, based on reviewer’s comments. To know more about Peer-review process Click here

Anti-Plagiarism policy: International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) has very strict policy against plagiarism. The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted. To know more about Plagiarism Click here

Copyright policy: All the articles published in International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright of their work (all usages allowed except for commercial purpose).

Author self-archiving policy: The Journal allows the authors to self-archive pre-print, post-print and publisher’s version of the article in any Open Access Initiative (OAI) compliant repository.

Disclaimer: The author(s) of the articles published in International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) is/are solely responsible for the content of the article. Neither the International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP) nor its editors or publisher or anyone else involved in creating, producing or distribution assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in the Journal, nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of the International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy (IJSRCP).