Centers and dimensional evolution
MINT, PF 1533, D-86818 Bad Woerishofen, Germany.
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2022, 01(01), 024–029.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrcp.2022.1.1.0041
Publication history:
Received on 03 June 2022; revised on 09 July 2022; accepted on 12 July 2022
From astronomy, the author cites (from astronomy questions and answers by Michael Lam 2015): if a black hole is rotating, then it will be shaped as an oblate spheroid, slightly larger around the equator than in the direction of the poles. However, the equations of general relativity tell us that rather than having one radius, the location of the event horizon, there are two important radii, the spherical event horizon on the inside, and the oblate spheroidal exterior surface. The region in between the two is called the ergosphere, where particles cannot remain at rest and objects can still escape the black hole. Such a black hole looks like this: …
The artists figure is not repeated. There are different subsystems of a black hole mentioned and general relativity is quoted. It is assumed that from a decaying black holes collision or explosion the astronomers universe evolved. In this article a biological Feigenbaum evolution is presented with geometries and symmetries added. Octonians are needed for this presentation.
Center; Dimension; Vector; Force; Gravity; Black hole; Evolution
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