Impact of participation in community-based sheep breeding practice on the income of household: A case of Adiyo Woreda, Kaffa Zone, SNNPRS, Ethiopia

Takele Mebratu 1, *, Wogene Markos 2 and Abyot Seifu 2

1 Hawwassa Agricultural Research Center, Sothern Agricultural Research Institute, Hawassa, Ethiopia, P.O.Box 06.
2 Agricultural Economic, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia.
Research Article
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Engineering and Technology, 2023, 02(02), 001–018.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsret.2023.2.2.0023
Publication history: 
Received on 20 February 2023; revised on 20 April 2023; accepted on 22 April 2023
Community-based sheep breeding practice emerged in 2009 G.C as a possible option to understand the selection practices of the traditional breeders and to create genetic gains that improve sheep productivity and provides an important source of income for the household. This study was conducted in Adiyo woreda, to assess the impact of participation in community-based sheep breeding practice on the income of a household in southern Ethiopia. Adiyo was selected purposively, and simple random sampling techniques were employed to obtain the desired sample. Data were collected through a cross-sectional survey from a sample of 368 respondents, 165 of whom had participants and 203 non-participants. Primary data were collected through focused group discussion, key informant interviews, and questionnaires. Secondary data were collected from a review of related literature. Descriptive statistics and econometric models are used for analyzing quantitative data. A propensity score matching procedure was employed to decide the causal relationship between participant and non-participant households. The result of propensity score matching method analysis shows that participation in community-based breeding practice has increased average annual household income by 4,301.31birr for the participant than non-participants households and the value is significant at 1% level. The sensitivity analysis result showed that impact results estimated by this study were confident to unobserved selection bias. Hence, the community-based breeding practice has a positive and significant impact on the annual income of households. Hence improving the productivity of local sheep by organizing farmers in CBBP can significantly increase the income of smallholder farmers. Therefore, governmental and non-governmental should work on improving the productivity Bonga sheep breed performance.
Participation; Community based breeding practice; Propensity Score Matching; Impact; Household Income
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