Performance analysis of rectangular microstrip patch antenna with partial ground plane

M Lakshmu Naidu, K Amrutha *, U Gnaneswari, Ch Sridevi, G Sahasra and M Kalyan

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Aditya Institute of Technology and Management College, Tekkali, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Engineering and Technology, 2023, 02(02), 019–030.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsret.2023.2.2.0029
Publication history: 
Received on 11 March 2023; revised on 19 April 2023; accepted on 21 April 2023
This paper addresses the design of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication applications at 3.5 GHz resonant frequency. HFSS V13 software was utilized to develop and simulate the antenna. The FR-4 (flame retardant) substrate material, which has a dielectric constant of 4.4 and a thickness of 1.6 mm, was used to design the antenna. The microstrip antenna has a ground dimension of 53.4182mm*34.822mm and a 50Ω impedance. The drawbacks with this microstrip antenna are high VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio) and the return loss is greater than -10db.There are many ways to get over these drawbacks, but one of them is to alter the size of the antenna—specifically, to change the ground plane's size by 37mm*34. 822mm.This paper compares various antenna parameters, including return loss, VSWR, gain, and directivity by switching the ground plane to partial ground plane.
Microstrip antenna; HFSS; VSWR; Return loss; Gain; Directivity; Partial ground
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