Utilizing machine learning algorithms to enhance predictive analytics in customer behavior studies

Osinachi Deborah Segun-Falade 1, *, Olajide Soji Osundare 2, Wagobera Edgar Kedi 3, Patrick Azuka Okeleke 4, Tochukwu Ignatius Ijomah 5 and Oluwatosin Yetunde Abdul-Azeez 6

1 TD Bank, Toronto Canada.
2 Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc (NIBSS), Nigeria.
3 Senior Software Engineer - Hubspot Inc.
4 Independent Researcher, Lagos, Nigeria.
5 Independent Researcher, Australia.
6 Independent Researcher, USA.
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Engineering and Technology, 2024, 04(01), 001–018.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsret.2024.4.1.0018
Publication history: 
Received on 11 July 2024; revised on 17 August 2024; accepted on 20 August 2024
Machine learning (ML) algorithms have revolutionized the field of predictive analytics, particularly in understanding and anticipating customer behavior. This review explores how these advanced algorithms are utilized to enhance predictive analytics in customer behavior studies, driving more informed and strategic decision-making processes within businesses. Predictive analytics leverages historical data to predict future outcomes, and when combined with ML, it becomes significantly more powerful and accurate. ML algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and trends that would be impossible for humans to discern. These algorithms, including decision trees, neural networks, and support vector machines, can handle complex and nonlinear relationships within data, making them exceptionally well-suited for customer behavior studies. The application of ML in predictive analytics begins with data collection from various sources, such as transaction records, social media interactions, and customer feedback. This data is then preprocessed to ensure quality and relevance before being fed into ML models. Through techniques like clustering, classification, and regression, ML algorithms can segment customers, predict purchasing behaviors, and identify potential churners. One significant advantage of using ML for predictive analytics in customer behavior is the ability to deliver personalized experiences. By predicting individual customer preferences and needs, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts, product recommendations, and customer service interactions, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. For instance, e-commerce platforms use ML-driven predictive analytics to suggest products that a customer is likely to purchase based on their browsing and buying history. Moreover, ML algorithms continuously learn and improve from new data, allowing for real-time updates and more accurate predictions over time. This dynamic nature is crucial in today’s fast-paced market environments where customer preferences and behaviors can change rapidly. In conclusion, utilizing ML algorithms in predictive analytics significantly enhances the ability to understand and predict customer behavior. This integration not only helps businesses optimize their strategies and operations but also fosters deeper customer relationships through personalized and timely engagements. As ML technology continues to evolve, its impact on predictive analytics and customer behavior studies is expected to grow, offering even more sophisticated and actionable insights.
ML; Predictive Analytics; Customer; Behavior Studies; Algorithm
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