Resilience capacity, rumination and life satisfaction in middle aged women

Lubnaa Afreen and Molly Joy *

Department of psychology, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Engineering and Technology, 2023, 02(02), 040–045.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsret.2023.2.2.0031
Publication history: 
Received on 26 March 2023; revised on 07 May 2023; accepted on 10 May 2023
This study investigates the correlation between resilience capacity, rumination and life satisfaction in middle aged women ranging from 35–55-year-old. The sample consisted of female participants (N = 80) were selected through convenient sampling technique. Due to various factors such as menopausal stage of life, empty nest phase of life, the sample was determined, the results showed that there is no significant correlation between resilience capacity and life satisfaction, whereas no significant correlation between rumination and life satisfaction or resilience capacity and rumination.
Resilience capacity; Rumination; Life satisfaction; Middle aged women; Menopausal stage
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