Innovative financial strategies for achieving cost reduction and revenue growth in non-profit organizations

Oghenekome Urefe 1, *, Theodore Narku Odonkor 2 and Edith Ebele Agu 3

1 Independent Researcher, Dallas, TX, USA.
2 Independent Researcher, NJ, United States of America.  
3 Zenith General Insurance Company Limited, Nigeria.
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 05(01), 008–016.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrr.2024.5.1.0038
Publication history: 
Received on 23 June 2024; revised on 28 July 2024; accepted on 31 July 2024
Non-profit organizations operate in a challenging financial environment, requiring innovative strategies to ensure sustainability and maximize their impact. This review paper explores essential financial strategies for non-profits, focusing on cost reduction, revenue growth, strategic financial planning, and leveraging technology. Cost reduction strategies, including operational efficiency, process streamlining, and technology implementation, enable non-profits to optimize resource allocation. Revenue growth is achieved through diversifying funding sources, expanding donor bases, and adopting social enterprises and digital fundraising methods. Strategic financial planning and management, encompassing robust financial plans, regular audits, and risk management, are foundational for financial health. Leveraging technology, such as financial management software, data analytics, and blockchain, further enhances financial efficiency and transparency. This comprehensive approach empowers non-profits to achieve financial stability, improve resource management, and enhance their mission-driven impact. Future directions recommend exploring new financial management practices and technologies to maintain competitiveness and sustainability in an evolving landscape.
Non-profit financial strategies; Cost reduction; Revenue growth; Strategic financial planning; Financial technology
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