Integrated organization planning (IOP) in project management: Conceptual framework and best practices
1 Shell Petroleum Development Company, Nigeria.
2 NNPC Nigeria.
3 Shell Deep water, Gulf of Mexico. USA.
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2024, 05(01), 060–067.
Publication history:
Received on 06 July 2024; revised on 17 August 2024; accepted on 20 August 2024
Integrated Organization Planning (IOP) is a holistic and adaptive approach to project management that aligns an organization’s strategic goals with its operational and tactical plans. This paper explores the conceptual framework of IOP, emphasizing its core components: strategic goal alignment, resource integration, stakeholder engagement, and adaptive planning. It highlights the theoretical foundations underpinning IOP, such as systems theory, strategic management, and change management. It outlines the IOP process flow through phases: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. The implementation strategies for IOP include techniques for achieving strategic alignment, effective resource management, comprehensive stakeholder engagement, leveraging technological tools, and proactive risk management. Common challenges in implementing IOP, such as resistance to change, complexity, and coordination issues, are identified, and best practices for overcoming these challenges are discussed. The paper concludes by summarizing the key points, discussing the implications of adopting IOP for project management practices, and suggesting areas for future research, including its application across different industries and its impact on project outcomes.
Integrated Organization Planning (IOP); Strategic Goal Alignment; Resource Management; Adaptive Planning
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