Study of bone marrow aspirations -5 years review from a single center in Kuwait- An audit
Department of Hematology, Al Adan Hospital, Ministry of Health, PB 460 Abu Halifa 54755 Kuwait.
Research Article
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2022, 01(02),001–006.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrr.2022.1.2.0028
Publication history:
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2022, 01(02), 001–006
We reviewed the bone marrow examination (BME) studies performed in the last five-year period with the objective to find out the findings and ascertain the role of this procedure in the diagnosis at Al Adan hospital, this public teaching hospital of the state of Kuwait in Middle East. Samples were collected after history taking and clinical examination. Blood samples analyzed for CBC parameters along with biochemical and viral markers. Bone marrow aspiration samples were collected and stained with May Grunwald Giemsa stain, trephine biopsy processed and stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin along with Perl’s stain for iron and Reticulin stain. All samples were analyzed and results pooled by the team of hematopathologists. We reviewed 264 cases for BME and found ages ranging from 07 months to 95 years and 170 males and 94 females were included in the study. The array of conditions included 53% of clonal haemopoietic disorders including leukemias, Myelo Proliferative Neoplasm (MPN) , Myelo Dysplastic Syndrome (MDS), & Plasma cell disorders. 3.5% aplastic anemias, while only 5.4 % with nutritional causes and 28.5% of cases having various reactive causes; Metastatic deposits were found in 1.5% and haemophagocytosis in 3.5% of the subjects. Results were in concordance with studies conducted from developed nations. Our study concludes that bone marrow examination is crucial in diagnosis to elucidate the various etiology of afflictions of bone marrow and helps in proper management in this Middle East country.
Bone marrow; Pancytopenia; Leukemia; Aplastic anemia; Metastatic deposits
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