Use of algae and digital integration in improving agricultural value chain
Department of Bioscience, Rice University, Houston, Texas. USA.
International Journal of Scholarly Research and Reviews, 2023, 02(02), 028–034.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrr.2023.2.2.0030
Publication history:
Received on 22 March 2023; revised on 03 May 2023; accepted on 06 May 2023
Escalating population pressures and its effect on food security has led to use of costly fertilizer intensive agriculture is trying to cope with the increasing demand. This in turn is causing drastic deterioration of the ecosystems and climate. Therefore, it is time to consider alternate ways to overcome the wide- spread use of chemical fertilizers and improve productivity to shorten the gap between production and demand. This review paper provides in-depth perspective of the challenges in agricultural value chain, probable solutions, both biological and digital, alternate farming practices fortified with algae to increase productivity and uses of microalgae and their benefits to both soil health, increase in productivity, as fertilizer, in pest control and as growth regulator for crops.
Value Chain; Biofertilizers; Algae; Productivity; Digitalization
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