Assessing the role of public education in enhancing food safety practices among consumers

Michael Alurame Eruaga *

National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Abuja, Nigeria.
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Science and Technology, 2024, 04(01), 022–031.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrst.2024.4.1.0023
Publication history: 
Received on 18 February 2024; revised on 26 March 2024; accepted on 29 March 2024
Public education plays a crucial role in enhancing food safety practices among consumers, addressing the growing concern of foodborne illnesses globally In the contemporary landscape of food safety, public education emerges as a fundamental tool in empowering consumers with knowledge and practices to mitigate risks associated with foodborne illnesses. This paper delves into the pivotal role of public education initiatives in enhancing food safety practices among consumers. Through a systematic review of existing literature, this paper elucidates various strategies and approaches employed in public education campaigns aimed at promoting food safety awareness. The effectiveness of traditional media, social media platforms, educational programs, and targeted campaigns in disseminating key messages regarding proper food handling, storage, and preparation is examined. Additionally, the impact of these educational interventions on influencing consumer behavior towards adopting safe food practices is scrutinized, with a particular focus on understanding the correlation between education levels and adherence to recommended guidelines. Furthermore, the paper sheds light on the collaborative efforts of regulatory bodies, non-governmental organizations, and public health institutions in spearheading educational initiatives. It explores the synergistic relationship between education and policy enforcement, advocating for integrated approaches that combine educational interventions with regulatory measures to ensure comprehensive food safety management. Challenges and limitations in public education endeavors, such as information overload and cultural barriers, are also addressed. The paper emphasizes the importance of evidence-based strategies and innovative technologies in overcoming these obstacles and enhancing the efficacy of educational campaigns The indispensable role of public education in fostering a culture of food safety among consumers. By providing insights into the effectiveness of various educational approaches and their impact on consumer behavior, it offers valuable guidance for policymakers, public health professionals, educators, and stakeholders striving to promote food safety and safeguard public health.
Food safety; Public education; Consumer behavior; Systematic review; Educational interventions; Regulatory agencies; social media; Vulnerable populations; Evidence-based strategies; Public health​
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