Conceptual framework for advancing hydrothermal liquefaction technologies in sustainable biofuel production

Somtochukwu Anonyuo 1, *, Jephta Mensah Kwakye 2 and Williams Ozowe 3

1 Intel Corporation, Rio-Rancho New Mexico, USA.
2 Independent Researcher, Texas, USA.
3 Independent Researcher, USA.
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Science and Technology, 2024, 05(02), 037–049.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrst.2024.5.2.0038
Publication history: 
Received on 09 October 2024; revised on 19 November 2024; accepted on 22 November 2024
The urgent need to transition to renewable energy sources has intensified interest in biofuels, particularly those produced through hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL). HTL is a thermochemical process that converts wet biomass into bio-oils, providing a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. This study presents a conceptual framework for advancing HTL technologies, emphasizing feedstock optimization, process enhancements, and sustainability assessments. Through the analysis, we identify key advancements, technological challenges, and economic feasibility considerations. Our findings suggest that while HTL has significant potential for sustainable biofuel production, challenges in scalability and cost-effectiveness persist. We conclude with recommendations for future research directions that focus on addressing these challenges.
Hydrothermal liquefaction; Biofuel production; Biomass conversion; Sustainability; Feedstock optimization; Economic feasibility
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