Building Advocacy Coalitions and Analyzing Lobbyists' Influence in Shaping Gun Control Policies in a Polarized United States

Tahir Kolawole Balogun 1, Ogechi Christine Kalu 2, Amina Catherine Ijiga 3, *, Toyosi Motilola Olola 4 and Emmanuel Oluwasayomi Ahmadu 5

2 Department of Social Welfare, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA.
3 Department of International Relations, Federal University of Lafia. Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
4 Department of Communications, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA.
5 Department of Applied Sciences in Human Services, Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Research Article
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024, 05(01), 088-102.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrms.2024.5.1.0043
Publication history: 
Received on 17 August 2024; revised on 25 September 2024; accepted on 28 September 2024
Gun violence remains a persistent challenge in the United States, where deep political divides have stymied comprehensive gun control reforms. This review examines the role of advocacy coalitions and lobbyists in shaping gun control policies within this polarized landscape. By exploring how grassroots movements, interest groups, and political lobbyists collaborate, we identify key strategies that have successfully advanced gun control initiatives. The analysis draws on case studies of successful advocacy networks, focusing on their ability to influence legislative outcomes amidst intense political opposition. Moreover, this paper evaluates the structural barriers posed by political polarization, federalism, and interest group politics that hinder meaningful progress. The potential of coalition-building to bridge ideological gaps, foster bipartisan support, and promote effective gun legislation is critically assessed. The review concludes by offering policy recommendations for strengthening advocacy networks and crafting legislation that can mitigate gun violence, while navigating the complexities of American political discourse. This work contributes to political science by contextualizing gun control advocacy within the broader dynamics of U.S. governance, providing insights into how advocacy efforts can transcend polarization to achieve significant policy shifts.
Gun violence; Advocacy networks; Gun control initiatives; Bipartisan; Gun control advocacy and Lobbyists
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